Erminald Bertel
University of Innsbruck
Abstract The most widely accepted interpretation of Botticelli’s La Primavera is that it was a wedding present to Semiramide Appiani and Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de Medici. In contrast, earlier art historians believed it a metaphoric representation of Simonetta Vespucci’s premature death. Both of the seemingly incompatible accounts leave some details unexplained. The present article points out these inconsistencies – for example, a conspicuous deviation from Ovid’s narrative in the Fasti; the problem of the somewhat detached figure of Mercury, whose linkage to the rest of the scene is obscure; the partially contradictory plant symbolism and, finally, the strikingly different character of the so-called Zephyroi in La Nascita di Venere on the one hand and La Primavera on the other. Particular attention is paid to the disputed connection between the two paintings. One can construct a coherent narrative for the wedding present by reading La Primavera from right to left but, with partial reference to Plato’s Phaedo, a similarly coherent interpretation by reading La Nascita di Venere and La Primavera from left to right. The possibility of a double meaning was briefly raised by Ernst Gombrich but then dismissed. Here it is argued that accepting this idea resolves the inconsistencies mentioned above, accords with Botticelli’s sharp-witted genius and does justice to the intuition of early art historians, in particular Aby Warburg and Emil Jacobsen.
Keywords Botticelli; La Primavera; Warburg; Plato; Double meaning
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The Edgar Wind Journal 7: 26-42, 2024
DOI: 10.53245/EWJ-000038
Copyright: © 2024 E. Bertel. This is an open access, peer-reviewed article published by Bernardino Branca