Angelo Lo Conte
Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University


Volume 6, April 2024   


The study examines a series of paintings recently surfaced on the European art market expanding the catalogue of Carlo Antonio Procaccini, one of the most accomplished Italian landscape painters of the first three decades of the seventeenth century. A key member of the most successful workshop in Milan, Carlo Antonio was one of the first Italian artists to develop a repertoire of landscape and still-life paintings exploring genres usually monopolised by Flemish and Dutch painters. Carlo Antonio integrated models typical of Jan Brueghel and Paul Bril’s landscapes with compositional elements developed within the Procaccini workshop, establishing a signature style easily recognisable for north Italian collectors. Arising from the analysis of unpublished works of art, this essay outlines the marketing strategies adopted by Carlo Antonio Procaccini in Milan and emphasizes how the deliberated reproduction of compositional models represented an essential practice within the Procaccini family workshop.

Art History, Baroque Art, Art Market, Landscape Painting, Carlo Antonio Procaccini



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The Edgar Wind Journal 6: 103-127, 2024
DOI: 10.53245/EWJ-000032
Copyright: © 2024 A. Lo Conte. This is an open access, peer-reviewed article published by Bernardino Branca