Fabio Tononi and Bernardino Branca
NOVA University of Lisbon / University of Kent, UK


Volume 1, October 2021   


This issue inaugurates the Edgar Wind Journal, which is dedicated to the works and
research interests of the historian and theorist of art and culture Edgar Wind (1900–1971).
The foundation of a journal is always a challenge, entailing a declaration of intent. Our
belief is that fifty years after his death, Wind’s remarkable achievements deserve new
attention. Wind explored a variety of themes (for example the afterlife of antiquity, the role
of symbols in art, and portraiture), historical figures (for example Leonardo da Vinci,
Raphael, and Ronald Brooks Kitaj), and disciplines, contributing to the study of art history,
cultural history, and the history of science. Wind’s opus requires further study in
connection to his cultural context and in light of recent advancements and methodologies
in the study of images and cultural history.



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The Edgar Wind Journal 1: 1-11, 2021
DOI: 10.53245/EWJ-00001
Copyright: © 2021 F. Tononi and B. Branca. This is an open access, peer-reviewed article published by Bernardino Branca