Jaynie Anderson
University of Melbourne
In the days of anonymous reviewing Edgar Wind evaluated Ernst Gombrich’s biography of Aby
Warburg for the Times Literary Supplement in 1971, as ‘Unfinished Business’. The review appeared
shortly before Wind’s death when he was suffering from leukaemia. Wind’s authorship was
acknowledged in 1983, when his review was republished in The Eloquence of Symbols, a collection of
Wind’s writings, edited by Jaynie Anderson. As her husband’s literary executor, Margaret Wind
considered publishing an earlier version of the review, rejected by the TLS; then decided not to do
so. Given the amount of discussion the review has provoked it seems a matter of duty to print the
unpublished version, as it contains more about Wind’s perception of Warburg than the final
version. The personal remarks about Gombrich reveal what was not acceptable even in the days of
anonymous criticism during the editorship of Alan Pryce-Jones.
Ernst Gombrich; Aby Warburg; Edgar Wind; Times Literary Supplement; Anonymous reviewing;
Isaiah Berlin; Gertrude Bing
Bilanconi, Guglielmo, ‘Aby Warburg the Great Lord of the Labyrinth’, reprinted in Aby Warburg and Living Thought, ed. by Monica Centanni et al., Engramma saggi, 2 (2022), pp. 107-10.
Bing, Gertrud, Despoix, Philippe, Treni, Martin, Meur, Diane, Jourbert-Laurencin, Hervé and Ginzburg, Carlo, Fragments sur Aby Warburg: documents originaux en allemand, en anglais, en italien et leur traduction française (Paris: INHA, 2019).
Centanni, Monica, and De Laude, Silvia, ‘Delio Cantimori e il Warburgkreis’, La rivista di engramma, 171 (January-February 2020), pp. 113-25.
Centanni, Monica, ed., La rivista di engramma, Aby Warburg: Unpublished and Critical Studies, 171 (January/February 2020), pp. 63-95. http://www.engramma.it/eOS/index.php?id_articolo=3712.
DaCosta Kaufmann, Thomas, ‘Speaking of Lilliput? Recollections on the Warburg Institute in the Early 1970’s’, Common Knowledge, 18/1 (2012), pp. 160-73.
Gilbert, Felix, ‘From Art History to the History of Civilization: Gombrich’s biography of Aby Warburg’, The Journal of Modern History, 44/3 (September 1972).
Gomrich, Ernst, Aby Warburg: An intellectual Biography; with a memoir on the history of the library by F. Saxl (London: Phaidon, 1970).
Hinds, R., The Times Literary Supplement, no. 2934, 23 May 1958, p. 277, The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive 1909–2019.
May, Derwent, Critical Times: The History of the Times Literary Supplement (London: Harper Collins, 2001), pp. 374-5.
McVea, Deborah and Treglowan, Jeremy, Critical Times: The History of the Times Literary Supplement (London: Harper Collins, 2001).
McVea, Deborah and Treglown, Jeremy, ‘The Times Literary Supplement in the days of Anonymous Reviewing 1902–1974. 1948–1959: The Times Literary Supplement under Alan Pryce-Jones’, The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive.
Settis, Salvatore, Incursioni. Arte contemporanea e tradizione (Torino: Feltrinelli, 2020).
Warburg, Aby, La Rinascita del paganesimo antico: contribuiti alla storia della cultura (Florence: La Nuova Italia, 1966).
Warburg, Aby, The Renewal of Pagan Antiquity: Contributions to the Cultural History of the European Renaissance. Introduction by Kurt W. Forster and translation by David Britt (Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities, 1990).
Weitz, Morris, [Review of Gombrich’s biography of Warburg], Art Bulletin, 54/1 (March 1972), pp. 107-10.
Wind, Edgar, The Eloquence of Symbols, Studies in Humanist Art, ed. by Jaynie Anderson, with a biographical memoir by Hugh Lloyd-Jones (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983; reprinted 1985; OUP paperback, revised edition, 1993).
Wind, Edgar, L’eloquenza dei simboli (e) La Tempesta: commento sulle allegorie poetiche di Giorgione. Traduzione di Enrico Colli. A cura di Jaynie Anderson (Milan: Adelphi, 1992).
Wind, Edgar, The Times Literary Supplement, no. 2935, 30 May 1958, p. 289.
The Edgar Wind Journal 3: 14-35, 2022
DOI: 10.53245/EWJ-000014
Copyright: © 2022 J. Anderson. This is an open access, peer-reviewed article published by Bernardino Branca